Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Microsoft Can Go Blu-Ray If YOU Want It **Update**

After recent reports of Warner Bros. dropping out of the HD-DVD race and going exclusively Blu-Ray Alber Penello (group marketing manager for Xbox hardware) was asked what Microsoft would do if HD-DVD failed. Here is his answer:

"It should be consumer choice; and if that's the way they vote, that's something we'll have to consider."
Everyday one side always seems to pull out a positive, today it is Blu-Ray maybe tomorrow will be HD-DVD. Personally, I like HD-DVD for it's name, price, and features, but in the end I think Blu-Ray will emerge the victor of this fight. Why? Sony has lost a war before (Betamax) and I don't think they will lose again. This war will not be won by porn (HD-DVD), it will be ultimately won by movie companies. Movie companies that are growing fewer and fewer on the HD-DVD side of things, but thankfully for Microsoft they don't have to worry about this. Like Sony who is fully committed to a side, Microsoft only has one leg over the fence which in the end will benefit them.

[From Reuters]

**Update**- Microsoft has released a clarification on it's quotes so they won't be taken out of context:
"There was a critical element of our comments missing from the story -- Microsoft currently has no plans at this time to consider Blu-ray as an option. We continue to believe that HD DVD is the best optical solution for consumers, since it's the only format today that delivers quality experiences at affordable prices."

"While the article states that Microsoft might possibly look into Blu-ray, we just want to emphasize that there are no current plans to consider Blu-ray as an option. Microsoft continues to be dedicated to the HD DVD format and we don't want the Reuters article to mislead or suggest otherwise."

[From Kotaku]

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