Wednesday, August 22, 2007

DVR Coming to the PS3

I don't know if games is a top priority over at Sony or not because lately all you here is about them trying to be more of an entertainment device. Today they follow those footsteps once again. They have announced that they are bringing DVR functionality, called Play TV, to the PS3. To the people who don't know what a DVR is it stands for Digital Video Recorder. The entire purpose of this is to record television to the hardrive of the PS3 and use the PS3 as a sort of TiVo. Sony has said you will be able to record content from one channel while watching another. It will also be able to handle HD content and have the ability to stream to the PSP through Remote Play anywhere in the world. Don't get me wrong here. This is some cool stuff, heck it's even incredible, but if Sony wants to sell their system as a gaming machine they need games. It just doesn't seem like a top priority to them anymore.

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