Monday, June 25, 2007

Sony Fanboys are Just as Arrogant as Sony

Some "Sony Fanboy" has made a video clip of how the PS3 is "beter" than the 360. Is this what all you Sony Fanboys do to justify your purchase of a PS3? By the looks of the over 5 min video I wouldn't be surprised if this was some internal video made at Sony. If so now I understand why Sony's attitude is the way it is. Just some highlights covered in the video: "PS3 sales was not a flop it sold better than the 360 and the Wii", the PSN network is better than Live, the 360 is more expensive than the PS3, and the PS3 hasn't copied. More is in the video so watch it if you can. The only thing this video proves to me is that Sony's brainwashing has worked because their fanboys are just as arrogant as them and they can't spell. Hilarious!!

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