Patrick here just wanted to say have a happy holiday season to everyone and that I will be back in the new year. Until then pick up Gears of War, that should hold you off until January.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Why Sony Should Fail but Wont
Why should Sony fail I get asked all the time. Well here's why:
1. They don't have any innovation; they copied everything they have a few examples there online network copied from Xbox Live and their new motion controller that happened to show up after they found out more about the Wii.
2. They tell lies all the time to their consumers; 100% backwards compatibility on day one, well seems they didn't mention anything about many games not being backwards compatible until after they sold there first several hundred thousand units.
3. Their attitude; they talk about how much better there PS3 is than any other system out there. Even when other systems have proven them otherwise, but they still say they are better with lack of evidence.
Why they wont fail:
1. Hype; because people live off what Sony have produced in the past; well they made the Playstation 1 and 2 so the 3rd one must be good.
2. Consumers lack of knowledge; most consumers out there have no idea what all this HDMI, HDTV, Blueray disk, 720p and 1080p mumbo jumbo even means, they buy it for their kids because they want it.
3. Sony's fan base is so huge that even if they produced crap they would still buy it. Sony right now could make a machine called the crapstation and I guarantee you that every Sony fanboy out there would buy it just because Sony made it.
Posted by
12:46 AM
Holiday Game Must Haves
Xbox 360:
1. Gears of War
2. Rainbow Six Vegas
1. Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess
2. Red Steel
1. Resistance: Fall of Man
Posted by
12:37 AM
Why Buy a XBOX 360?
1. It has been out over a year; this means there is a lot of really good games to choose from and all the kinks have been worked out of the system.
2. Best online network around; with Xbox Live you are guaranteed to have lots of fun. You can download games, movies, TV shows, and play online with other people from around the world.
3. Its backed by Microsoft; Hello... with Bill Gates backing the 360 it isn't going away anytime soon.
4. Backwards compatibility; for all the first time Xbox users you can catch up from all the original Xbox games you missed out on.
5. It's price; the 360 with its highest price at $400 it's a heck of a lot cheaper than its main competitor the PS3.
Posted by
12:25 AM
5 Reasons Not to Buy a PS3
1. There is NO games to play on it
2. There is NO games to play on it
3. There is NO games to play on it
4. There is NO games to play on it
5. There is NO games to play on it
Posted by
12:21 AM
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Up and Runing
Hello people out there. My name is Patrick and this is a new blog called for the gamer. On this site I will post about video game news and things that are relevant to video games. I'm just getting started out there so give me a little time to get this place up and running. If you have any suggestions feel free to post a comment.
Posted by
10:17 PM